Sunday, November 23, 2008

Part Two – How to Know When You Need Debt Settlement

If the symptoms below apply to you, you should consider debt negotiation or bankruptcy.
  • Your credit card balances are increasing while your income is decreasing
  • You have no savings
  • You can barely make the minimum payments on your debts
  • You are near, at or over your credit limits
  • You regularly charge more each month than you make in payments
  • You are using your credit to buy necessities like food and gas
  • You use one credit card to pay another
  • You are already getting calls from collectors because you are late with payments
  • You have been denied credit
  • You’ve lost track of how much you owe to creditors
  • You are charged exceptionally high interest rates
  • You have four or more credit cards
  • Your credit is negatively affecting your family relationships
Our next post will explain exactly how debt negotiation works.

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